Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Outdoors Club

The Outdoors Club is my kind of club. We went hiking from 9:30am - 2pm. That's a lot of walking, a lot of nature, and a lot of adventure for one day. It brought me back to my childhood days when I carved out narrow paths in the woods in my backyard. I say this with full conviction when I say, "I was made to be a nature girl." I feel like I'm wired that way, and I feel most connected to my inner self when I'm in the wild, in the woods, by the streams, by the lakes. Today was a good day, because it made me happy to know that I don't have to burry a part of me that's being suppressed by the pressure of having to grow accustomed to this technologically-advanced society. I can still appreciate what's left of the woods and draw from man-made things the beauty that I also see in nature like I have been. Funny how being in my element has made me discover more about myself. I am really thankful for the Outdoors Club. It's my new family, my new fellow explorers, and for the first time, my kind of people.

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