These past two weeks have been all over the place. I got sick and work just piled up and up and up but I've been tackling them one by one. Unfortunately I have to go back to some work to revise them, but God's been really sustaining me throughout. He's been encouraging me when I get discouraged and He gives me a lot of joy and happiness, more than I've had in a long time. I'm really blessed and grateful for where I am, no matter how many times I say I'm getting fat, cus I am. But to me, getting fat is not a pressure to be skinny, but it tells me that I'm not staying fit and not eating healthy. NEVER BUY COOKIES FROM A STORE OR ANY JUNK FOOD FOR THAT MATTER IF YOU WALK IN HUNGRY CUS YOU'LL END UP BUYING IT AND FEELING GUILTY FOR EATING IT. Sorry, had to use caps. Anyways, God's been faithful and I'm not just saying that because it's his character, but because I've experienced it over and over again, God's amazing grace. It's humbling.
I've been really enjoying myself lately too. I know life moves forward and I get nostalgic, but I've learned to enjoy the moment and present.
An update on classes:
With my Digital Photography I class, I've been getting more comfortable carrying a camera around. I've, of course, also taken a lot of pictures lately. I made my first print today! And it came out nice so I'm very satisfied with that. Check out flickr for my updates ;]
My Video I class is a steady struggle, but I enjoy editing videos and seeing the outcome. So far, I've achieved 2 awesome videos that are cheesy but nonetheless well executed :) haha. My first project was to create a video structured around the alphabet, each shot representing a letter of the alphabet (A-Z). The shots have to be connected in some way, so I based my video around the concept of, well, being in college and separating from my parents (it was September and school was beginning so what can I say, haha).
The second video project was to create a self-portrait. I had the hardest time envisioning this video because there were so many ways I could have done it. Only 5 of the frames could have the human element in it and the rest had to be a shot of something else. I did it! I had strong shots, but my teacher said I needed to start breaking the expected, which is an exciting challenge for me.
In Modernism and After (woo! my first dose of art history!) I recently had to write a critical lens essay comparing two artworks. I submitted the essay and the teacher left a really awesome and encouraging comment I know God set in her heart to say, because today in Digital Photography class I was really discouraged by a critique I read online for my Graphic Design class and I said I was discouraged to my friend (and I guess God heard it too even before it came out of my mouth) and tonight alone, I've received two really encouraging comments - one by my Modernism teacher, and the other by my Typography teacher.
Speaking of Typography I, we're getting into some serious stuff now. I'm so glad the teacher sees me as a "steadfast, and strong student." I am so thankful God has been reassuring me when times get tough. The funnest project we've had so far was coloring in the patterns we made out of a single letter of the alphabet. I created two color renditions of three patterns. I wish I could post them up on flickr, but the colors get screwed up, so maybe one day I'll post my designs on fb.
Hm, Creativity and Genius (a kind of humanities, philosophy class) is my most anticipated class ever. The teacher is amazing. He is a historian, middle-aged, and passionate about what he teaches. We truly have the best discussions in that class. At the beginning of the semester, we spent the entire class getting to know each other's names :P He made us write our name, our hometown, our horoscope, and our favorite thing. Stephanie Har, New York, Sagittarius, being with my family around a meal.
Michael Sizer, is his name. After memorizing all of our names on the first day, I was really encouraged that care was set in some of our hearts.
Recently, we had to write a paper on whether Prometheus and Victor Frankenstein (or the Modern Prometheus) was a hero or an example of hubris. I brainstormed a LOT, and wrote my paper. I said that Prometheus was a hero and Frankenstein was an example of hubris with a redeeming chance. Email me for the paper ;]
Graphic Design I class is an unstable class. It's the class where anything can happen to you that week. I've been losing my vigor in this class because although design is such a set thing, style changes. I don't know why but I choose this class to push my artwork and designs. So sometimes my ideas fail because it doesn't fit the "mold," but I try. My first success was creating icons of architecture using a couple of geometric shapes that could be resized. I made an icon out of the Sydney opera house, the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower, Tiennamen Square, and the Empire State building (I'll post these up one day). My second project was to create a layout for a magazine about the evolution of swimwear. I created my swimsuit layout and was 80% pleased after revisions. My third project, and I'm in the revision stages, is to create a poster for the play "A Streetcar Named Desire," by Tenessee Williams. I came up with a pretty solid poster, but it turned out more Shakespeare than Tenessee Williams, which is why I have to (basically) redo a lot of things to make it more down-to-earth. [sigh]
So that's 6 classes this semester and me juggling work day to day. I've gotten (probably) super good at managing time. I actually have 4 functioning schedules: my agenda, my calendar pinned to the wall, post-it notes, and my assignment papers pinned to the same wall as the calendar going in order of most upcoming due assignment.
And at the end of this week's postings are my two tickets to and from NY.
It's getting late, and I have to shower, but I just wanted to update you on my school life and what God has been doing lately, which is encouraging me from time to time. He's given me awesome siblings who are there for me, and super parents who are at home working away and taking care of things. May we continue to listen to his heeds, love Him, and never give up. Good night yall, and peace out.
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