I think there are so many ways we can preserve our environment.
I consider myself an environmentalist primarily because I care about my health, but also because earth is not only my temporary home, but also the home of the generations after me.
I walk down Mount Royal Avenue and I hold my breath every time a car buzzes by with the fumes of its pipes offending my lungs. Immediately, I think: poisoning the air... [I gasp through the sleeve of my sweater]... gas chamber!.... and then a black and white photo of Anne Frank's face flashes before my eyes. My heart saps at the thought of a generation thenceforth where every person is walking the streets with a gas mask on their face. The human face will cease to be naked and the joy of an emotion-filled face will ever be a small, sweet taste in memory.
Although tigers are on the path to extinction for other reasons, wildlife is readily threatened by humans that cause pollution. I'm sure you've heard of the polar bears or seals that face a dim future because global warming is melting the glaciers they thrive on. Furthermore, when glaciers melt, oceans rise (because ice turns into water), and soon, we might not even have Florida to visit for vacation; Islands will completely disappear. The hope is that with a communal effort, we can drastically change the fortune of all that was said.
Jumo.com is an excellent resource for you to find a particular cause you are passionate about. For now, I am passionate about saving our environment. Humans are its biggest threat. Although environmental awareness has increased over these past few years ("the green movement" per se), I know there is still room for improvement. My goal, simply, is to spread this fervor for caring for our environment. In doing so, more people can commit to the cause and the outcome will be even better than it is now.
I have gathered experiences in order to suggest little things that WILL contribute a big difference in the ongoing efforts to help save our environment. Although I am providing a list now, the care for your environment, in order for persevering results, must come from you. When we care, we stay environmentally conscious, and everything else is rather easy. It might help to do a little research about our impact on this world because the better informed you are, the more you will care. I guarantee it.
So here it goes!:
+ Own a personal refillable water container! (I have a blue one and I take it everywhere with me, to class, to church, to the gym. It saves me the cost of water bottles - which uses plastic and are bad for the landfills - and it keeps me hydrated during the day! Good for the earth, good for your health.)
+ Separate recyclables (milk containers, coke cans, paper) from perishables (food, gum, wax, glue, you name it). If your neighborhood doesn't collect recyclables, you can easily take selected cans and plastic bottles to a nearby supermarket (like ShopRite) and get reimbursed 5 cents each! (and believe me, it adds up real nice, especially if you've just hosted a party - check plus). As for that stack of magazine, newspaper, or scrap paper, bag it and you can drop it off at a nearby building office that has accessible blue recycling bins all around. You'll feel good you did it, and that pile of paper can be useful for wiping your mouth the next restaurant you dine out at!
+ Bring a reusable tope bag to the supermarket! What made me realize this option is that Save-a-Lot, a nearby supermarket by MICA, upon request, charges up to 10 cents per plastic bag. So I forced myself to bring a reusable tope bag with me on my next grocery trip, BUT ever since, I've been feeling environmentally happy-with-myself. It's a waste to use so many plastic bags if one (or two) large durable one would suffice. Agreed?
+ Walk, Ride a Bike, but never leave your car idle! This is a terrible way for extra pollution to get into the air, so the next time you're waiting for someone in the car, turn off the engine!
+ It there's an electric dryer go for it! If there's a paper dispenser, limit yourself to one sheet. Better yet, AIR DRY. Just shake it off and swing your hands back and forth for ten seconds. That's all it takes. No pride is hurt either ;]
I hope you can take one or two or all of these into consideration. If you are interested in more simple tips on how to be environmentally friendly, google is your friend. The possibilities are endless. Find something that fits your lifestyle and switch up a few habits for the betterment of your earth which is so full of beauty! It is in your hands, I assure you, and you CAN make a difference.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
1. I'm excited for summer.
2. i'm looking forward to spring break.
3. i haven't been craving chinese food (surprisingly)
4. i am learning to forgive myself.
5. i am gonna love myself.
6. i am gonna pray and read the bible more often.
7. i am gonna have dim sum soon within these next few months. i am determined to.
8. i have been exercising lately. the fitness center is awesome to me.
9. i want to keep learning
10. i still have to forgive others.
11. i will take better care of myself.
12. i told myself i hadn't seen an insect for a really long time, and this morning i came upon a crushed bumble bee on the sidewalk.
13. it's disheartening to me that i can't find my passion for music anymore, the piano and the viola.
14. every second of my life was and is worthwhile.
15. i need more time to unwind.
16. there are words left unspoken to him and it makes me bitter inside and angry at him, but i'll step with God.
17. i have fallen in love with the passage in Psalms that says that God is my shepherd and I am a sheep and He lays me in green pastures and leads me besides quiet waters... He restores my soul.
18. I want to wear shorts in the sun.
19. I want to spend my time with someone i like in the bosom of nature.
20. I dream about hamsters and goldfish that proliferate.
21. I still have a distant wish to own a dog, hug it, and go jogging with it.
22. I am getting annoyed right now by my suite mate who doesn't know better than to silence her alarm when it goes off randomly in the middle of the night.
23. i can now appreciate and understand the meaning and value of art therapy.
24. i like blueberry bagels very much.
25. i really like Silk soy milk.
26. i don't like eating pretzels anymore.
27. I really really like snacking on mixed nuts.
28. i really like fruits (apples, bananas, strawberries, kiwis, pineapples, grapes, oranges, watermelon, mangoes, etc.)
29. I won't cut my hair for a long time (I have a little under four years to go for a reason I won't say).
30. My heart is still in China.
31. My heart is still in Nature.
32. My heart is still cuddled with animals.
33. I actually like chocolate (icecream, hot chocolate, real dark chocolate, but not chocolate cheerios).
34. I like having readily available clean water for me to drink.
35. I like spunk and funk but only when it's jewelry and sometimes clothing that i'm wearing myself.
36. i had a sweet, cozy, fun, and blessed childhood, of most i dedicate my appreciation towards 8 Summerland Lane and the prior house on Hidden Hollow Lane.
37. I used to be a champion at Connect-4, but I probably am not now, unfortunately.
38. I love barbeque outings, but I'd prefer a picnic with my loved one any day.
39. I don't care if I don't know how to bake well, or from scratch.
40. I actually like cooking and experimenting with food and tasting its outcome and being satisfied with my success.
41. I sometimes have irrational fears.
42. Joker, from the Dark Knight, is my enemy. Satan uses my capacity to imagine to haunt me with scary faces and ghosts.
43. I want to go to an amusement park with my boyfriend on a date one day...
44. I'd prefer tradition over contemporary most of the time.
45. I'll always be open to hear you out no matter what. I want to be there for you.
46. I'm better at remembering concepts than factual information.
47. I definitely prefer Lord of the Rings over Star Wars any day. I simply do not like space or sci-fi movies. I feel claustrophobic when watching scenes on spaceships or submarines. The only underwater movie I appreciate is Finding Nemo, not even little Mermaid.
48. I like eating corn.
49. I find necklaces are more meaningful than earrings.
50. I really enjoyed darkroom photography two semesters ago. black and white photography is beautiful.
51. I don't like imagining the sound of crunching bugs.
52. I love traveling to an extent.
53. I am sensitive to other people's feelings.
53. I am always looking to help other people any day especially if they ask for it.
54. I am especially concerned about their salvation and health.
55. I will never forget to pray for the people in my life.
56. I admit I haven't been to a lot of parties in my life, but I like a good crowd.
57. I am bold and exciting and unpredictable ever.
58. I am very pleased with all (except 1) of the readings/books/novels I have been assigned in college so far; they are highly informative and eye-opening and rich and novel.
59. I appreciate ever more a person who is genuine and open and sincere and open.
60. I will build my esteem.
61. I don't like small dogs, as much as I like bigger ones.
62. I can talk to goldfish.
63. I can talk to pretty much anything.
64. I think I'd prefer hand over computer pretty much any day; especially hand-written letters.
65. I don't appreciate the concept of "going out for coffee." I'd rather go out for crepes that have nutella and sliced bananas in them.
66. I should buy myself a container of vitamin gummy bears.
67. I like special k bars.
68. I like green tea kit-kat bars.
69. I don't think fall is my favorite season anymore, spring is, or summer is. winter was never a stickler. at least not yet.
70. "sheeee's a keeper" is now understood by me and equally employed.
71. vanilla hot chocolate isn't that bad.
72. My greatest physical insecurity are my inner thighs.
73. My forte would be the softness of my skin.
74. I don't appreciate butterflies as much as I appreciate caterpillars.
75. I hate black fuzzy caterpillars.
76. I would think to enjoy taro over lemon any day today.
77. I would prefer cantaloupes over honey dew for the most part.
78. I'm not into playing soccer at all really. I'd prefer basketball, or even baseball. football isn't much of a stickler either. i'd like to keep my body intact.
79. i've appreciated oil paints for a long time now; i have an affinity towards watercolor these days, probably because it's more fluid and forgiving.
80. i actually really don't like computer screens; i'd rather do away with the internet entirely. i'd like to live in the moment or at least appreciate the physical things around me more often than i do.
81. I prefer old people over little kids.
82. I'd prefer the elders over crying babies.
83. i'd appreciate apple-picking again.
84. i feel like make-up is an assault on my face, skin, and health.
85. i hate weird smells that pollute my lung and fumes that come from cars. i fear pollution and want to banish cars altogether and make society ride bikes so we won't have to force our (near) future generation to wear gas masks wherever they go.
86. I 1.5% considered buying myself a gas mask at the mica store today.
87. I like fishballs.
88. I can imagine liking sharing a moment with someone, preferably my loved one, at the point of sublime in nature, whether it be a sunset on the rocks or laying back in the park and taking in the warmth of the sun together.
89. I totally want to piggy back ride my boyfriend in the future. I would think I'd be happy.
90. I really enjoyed front row seats on the Nitro at Six Flags.
91. I'll probably do anything if my boyfriend is near and I feel safe with and protected by him, anything but things with insects and horror movies are definitely out of the question.
92. I love worshiping God, because it's a taste of heaven.
93. I think having something living to take care of (like a plant or goldfish or something) would give me much more motivation and grow a more nurturing soul.
94. I love breakfast in Paris - oh yeah.
95. There are so many places and experiences I still want to explore and do!.
96. I think romance is awesome, because I love it when God whispers to me and says something flattering.
97. I am pro-active.
98. I am loved.
99. I appreciate life.
100. I love God.
2. i'm looking forward to spring break.
3. i haven't been craving chinese food (surprisingly)
4. i am learning to forgive myself.
5. i am gonna love myself.
6. i am gonna pray and read the bible more often.
7. i am gonna have dim sum soon within these next few months. i am determined to.
8. i have been exercising lately. the fitness center is awesome to me.
9. i want to keep learning
10. i still have to forgive others.
11. i will take better care of myself.
12. i told myself i hadn't seen an insect for a really long time, and this morning i came upon a crushed bumble bee on the sidewalk.
13. it's disheartening to me that i can't find my passion for music anymore, the piano and the viola.
14. every second of my life was and is worthwhile.
15. i need more time to unwind.
16. there are words left unspoken to him and it makes me bitter inside and angry at him, but i'll step with God.
17. i have fallen in love with the passage in Psalms that says that God is my shepherd and I am a sheep and He lays me in green pastures and leads me besides quiet waters... He restores my soul.
18. I want to wear shorts in the sun.
19. I want to spend my time with someone i like in the bosom of nature.
20. I dream about hamsters and goldfish that proliferate.
21. I still have a distant wish to own a dog, hug it, and go jogging with it.
22. I am getting annoyed right now by my suite mate who doesn't know better than to silence her alarm when it goes off randomly in the middle of the night.
23. i can now appreciate and understand the meaning and value of art therapy.
24. i like blueberry bagels very much.
25. i really like Silk soy milk.
26. i don't like eating pretzels anymore.
27. I really really like snacking on mixed nuts.
28. i really like fruits (apples, bananas, strawberries, kiwis, pineapples, grapes, oranges, watermelon, mangoes, etc.)
29. I won't cut my hair for a long time (I have a little under four years to go for a reason I won't say).
30. My heart is still in China.
31. My heart is still in Nature.
32. My heart is still cuddled with animals.
33. I actually like chocolate (icecream, hot chocolate, real dark chocolate, but not chocolate cheerios).
34. I like having readily available clean water for me to drink.
35. I like spunk and funk but only when it's jewelry and sometimes clothing that i'm wearing myself.
36. i had a sweet, cozy, fun, and blessed childhood, of most i dedicate my appreciation towards 8 Summerland Lane and the prior house on Hidden Hollow Lane.
37. I used to be a champion at Connect-4, but I probably am not now, unfortunately.
38. I love barbeque outings, but I'd prefer a picnic with my loved one any day.
39. I don't care if I don't know how to bake well, or from scratch.
40. I actually like cooking and experimenting with food and tasting its outcome and being satisfied with my success.
41. I sometimes have irrational fears.
42. Joker, from the Dark Knight, is my enemy. Satan uses my capacity to imagine to haunt me with scary faces and ghosts.
43. I want to go to an amusement park with my boyfriend on a date one day...
44. I'd prefer tradition over contemporary most of the time.
45. I'll always be open to hear you out no matter what. I want to be there for you.
46. I'm better at remembering concepts than factual information.
47. I definitely prefer Lord of the Rings over Star Wars any day. I simply do not like space or sci-fi movies. I feel claustrophobic when watching scenes on spaceships or submarines. The only underwater movie I appreciate is Finding Nemo, not even little Mermaid.
48. I like eating corn.
49. I find necklaces are more meaningful than earrings.
50. I really enjoyed darkroom photography two semesters ago. black and white photography is beautiful.
51. I don't like imagining the sound of crunching bugs.
52. I love traveling to an extent.
53. I am sensitive to other people's feelings.
53. I am always looking to help other people any day especially if they ask for it.
54. I am especially concerned about their salvation and health.
55. I will never forget to pray for the people in my life.
56. I admit I haven't been to a lot of parties in my life, but I like a good crowd.
57. I am bold and exciting and unpredictable ever.
58. I am very pleased with all (except 1) of the readings/books/novels I have been assigned in college so far; they are highly informative and eye-opening and rich and novel.
59. I appreciate ever more a person who is genuine and open and sincere and open.
60. I will build my esteem.
61. I don't like small dogs, as much as I like bigger ones.
62. I can talk to goldfish.
63. I can talk to pretty much anything.
64. I think I'd prefer hand over computer pretty much any day; especially hand-written letters.
65. I don't appreciate the concept of "going out for coffee." I'd rather go out for crepes that have nutella and sliced bananas in them.
66. I should buy myself a container of vitamin gummy bears.
67. I like special k bars.
68. I like green tea kit-kat bars.
69. I don't think fall is my favorite season anymore, spring is, or summer is. winter was never a stickler. at least not yet.
70. "sheeee's a keeper" is now understood by me and equally employed.
71. vanilla hot chocolate isn't that bad.
72. My greatest physical insecurity are my inner thighs.
73. My forte would be the softness of my skin.
74. I don't appreciate butterflies as much as I appreciate caterpillars.
75. I hate black fuzzy caterpillars.
76. I would think to enjoy taro over lemon any day today.
77. I would prefer cantaloupes over honey dew for the most part.
78. I'm not into playing soccer at all really. I'd prefer basketball, or even baseball. football isn't much of a stickler either. i'd like to keep my body intact.
79. i've appreciated oil paints for a long time now; i have an affinity towards watercolor these days, probably because it's more fluid and forgiving.
80. i actually really don't like computer screens; i'd rather do away with the internet entirely. i'd like to live in the moment or at least appreciate the physical things around me more often than i do.
81. I prefer old people over little kids.
82. I'd prefer the elders over crying babies.
83. i'd appreciate apple-picking again.
84. i feel like make-up is an assault on my face, skin, and health.
85. i hate weird smells that pollute my lung and fumes that come from cars. i fear pollution and want to banish cars altogether and make society ride bikes so we won't have to force our (near) future generation to wear gas masks wherever they go.
86. I 1.5% considered buying myself a gas mask at the mica store today.
87. I like fishballs.
88. I can imagine liking sharing a moment with someone, preferably my loved one, at the point of sublime in nature, whether it be a sunset on the rocks or laying back in the park and taking in the warmth of the sun together.
89. I totally want to piggy back ride my boyfriend in the future. I would think I'd be happy.
90. I really enjoyed front row seats on the Nitro at Six Flags.
91. I'll probably do anything if my boyfriend is near and I feel safe with and protected by him, anything but things with insects and horror movies are definitely out of the question.
92. I love worshiping God, because it's a taste of heaven.
93. I think having something living to take care of (like a plant or goldfish or something) would give me much more motivation and grow a more nurturing soul.
94. I love breakfast in Paris - oh yeah.
95. There are so many places and experiences I still want to explore and do!.
96. I think romance is awesome, because I love it when God whispers to me and says something flattering.
97. I am pro-active.
98. I am loved.
99. I appreciate life.
100. I love God.
Friday, February 18, 2011
I'm taking two courses this semester that are really forcing me to look at America from a critical point of view: Modern Political Theory and Intro to Humanistic Studies. Our first reading in Intro to Humanistic Studies is titled, "Dark Ages America, the Final Phase of Empire," by Morris Berman. He talks about how America is an empire in decline as a result of expansion, foreign policy, and an internal decay, a cause of value changes.
I am coming from a point of view of an American citizen raised in the middle class family and is currently educated. I can't help but voice something out for this brief time.
There are two main ideas I want to get out there, and a question that was posed by Morris Bermin that is a question we should all think about. First, I'm going to address the two main ideas.
The first is this. Our country has heavily created the notion that individualism is of virtue and that expansion is healthy and a sign of success. On the contrary, this highly held view of individualism has, in many ways, corrupted our value system, which once was held in 1790 to be that a good citizen is a person who serves their community. Ask yourself this, "Have I been pursuing my own interests or do I behave in a manner that is beneficial to the collective whole?" Bermin dubs "What's in it for me?" the motto of our time. At its core? Obviously selfishness.
The problem, Bermin says, is that Americans have become so wasteful, and at the same time, we, the United States, have a $8 TRILLION trade deficit, and our national debt is through-the-roof catastrophic. And to upkeep this "luxurious" lifestyle? We are lending money from Europe, Japan, and China to keep us afloat. Basically, we are an inflating balloon, highly unstable at that, on the brink of a major crash.
Any one of these countries can pull the plug.
Along with other ideas he stated in his book, Bermin concludes that the American Empire, just like the Roman Empire, will fall. As my Modern Political Theory teacher puts it, this so-called "War on Terror," is basically a war against FEAR - how long do you think this war will last? The "War on Terror" is just another price we have to pay as an empire. After 9/11, America militarized, passed the Patriot Act (which basically allows the government to spy on its own citizens), and turned into a police state. An empire is characterized just by that - a military force.
I'm not here to bash America, but I want to promote what Jimmy Carter tried to do in his presidency, which was encourage the American citizens to be more introspective. Bermin points out that appearance is not reality. It is definitely easy to get caught up in living so comfortably and to completely ignore the direction that American is heading in, even though we've been told so many times while growing up that America is the best, and that we have great healthcare and technology, when America is actually ranked the 36th in healthcare among the world, while someplace like Saudi Arabia is ranked 26th (from what I can recall). It's shocking, but so true, when Bermin, in an open dialogue, stated that the reason why Americans are so sick physically and emotionally is because people treat each other like garbage. And in part, Americans are becoming more and more isolated, due to the provisions of the car which creates alienated units. Just if you look on the highway, you'll see what we mean. Americans driving alone in an enclosed capsule for miles on end. But back to people treating other people like garbage, Bermin makes the argument that people just don't care anymore. When Katrina hit, all eyes were there, but weeks passed and so would Americans, looking towards the next event. We can say the same for Haiti. America's value system has not only changed, but it is taking probably the biggest toll on the country in terms of all the microscopic decision-making that is influenced by it that, in turn, turns into something macro. At this point, we are in a state of decline, and Bermin does not even have to argue his point as merely lay down the facts of his research.
My second main idea is this. In such an individualized culture, we are nonetheless built into a structure. But for a structure that is failing, we need structures that will provide solutions. Meaning, we can not afford to respond to our nation's problems by reducing our reliance to our self. We must not give up on structure, because a change in the nation's system would rely on a change that comes from within a structure.
This leads to Bermin's question, "Where are the leaders of power?"
And I certainly don't think he means the President. Where are the structures in a society that can be active enough to push America in a different direction? The church? Corporations? Where are these leaders who, in the context of a declining empire, can push change from within America? And I'm pretty sure it's not the government.
Something to think about.
As a Christian, I had values I wanted to spread to other people. In light of my being, I hoped that I would inspire people to be more outward seeking and caring. My zeal, I had not known then, made me an activist. At a certain point in my life, after observing my culture and searching for ways to improve it, I realized and admitted to myself that I was an activist. I wanted ideas to spread, values to manifest. That was my goal. But now, I am saying that I really am not out to get anyone. I am, though, living a life worthy to God, and I believe that through me, God will make things happen by His power. So then what about structures that can change the whole nation? Although I don't think that taking action by our own will is wise, I do believe that being not only aware, but self-improving (and not in the egotistical sense, but in the good will sense), is essential if individuals can make a difference - knowing that yes, there are people in power, but that on a certain level, we have to act smart as individuals as well in influencing people in power in order to really see that change happen.
I'd say it all starts with ourselves. Just take a good look at yourself and see where your values really lie.
I think that should be all, and I hope you can do further research on this topic or ideas I've discussed so far. It is definitely worthwhile as you are living in America.
I am coming from a point of view of an American citizen raised in the middle class family and is currently educated. I can't help but voice something out for this brief time.
There are two main ideas I want to get out there, and a question that was posed by Morris Bermin that is a question we should all think about. First, I'm going to address the two main ideas.
The first is this. Our country has heavily created the notion that individualism is of virtue and that expansion is healthy and a sign of success. On the contrary, this highly held view of individualism has, in many ways, corrupted our value system, which once was held in 1790 to be that a good citizen is a person who serves their community. Ask yourself this, "Have I been pursuing my own interests or do I behave in a manner that is beneficial to the collective whole?" Bermin dubs "What's in it for me?" the motto of our time. At its core? Obviously selfishness.
The problem, Bermin says, is that Americans have become so wasteful, and at the same time, we, the United States, have a $8 TRILLION trade deficit, and our national debt is through-the-roof catastrophic. And to upkeep this "luxurious" lifestyle? We are lending money from Europe, Japan, and China to keep us afloat. Basically, we are an inflating balloon, highly unstable at that, on the brink of a major crash.
Any one of these countries can pull the plug.
Along with other ideas he stated in his book, Bermin concludes that the American Empire, just like the Roman Empire, will fall. As my Modern Political Theory teacher puts it, this so-called "War on Terror," is basically a war against FEAR - how long do you think this war will last? The "War on Terror" is just another price we have to pay as an empire. After 9/11, America militarized, passed the Patriot Act (which basically allows the government to spy on its own citizens), and turned into a police state. An empire is characterized just by that - a military force.
I'm not here to bash America, but I want to promote what Jimmy Carter tried to do in his presidency, which was encourage the American citizens to be more introspective. Bermin points out that appearance is not reality. It is definitely easy to get caught up in living so comfortably and to completely ignore the direction that American is heading in, even though we've been told so many times while growing up that America is the best, and that we have great healthcare and technology, when America is actually ranked the 36th in healthcare among the world, while someplace like Saudi Arabia is ranked 26th (from what I can recall). It's shocking, but so true, when Bermin, in an open dialogue, stated that the reason why Americans are so sick physically and emotionally is because people treat each other like garbage. And in part, Americans are becoming more and more isolated, due to the provisions of the car which creates alienated units. Just if you look on the highway, you'll see what we mean. Americans driving alone in an enclosed capsule for miles on end. But back to people treating other people like garbage, Bermin makes the argument that people just don't care anymore. When Katrina hit, all eyes were there, but weeks passed and so would Americans, looking towards the next event. We can say the same for Haiti. America's value system has not only changed, but it is taking probably the biggest toll on the country in terms of all the microscopic decision-making that is influenced by it that, in turn, turns into something macro. At this point, we are in a state of decline, and Bermin does not even have to argue his point as merely lay down the facts of his research.
My second main idea is this. In such an individualized culture, we are nonetheless built into a structure. But for a structure that is failing, we need structures that will provide solutions. Meaning, we can not afford to respond to our nation's problems by reducing our reliance to our self. We must not give up on structure, because a change in the nation's system would rely on a change that comes from within a structure.
This leads to Bermin's question, "Where are the leaders of power?"
And I certainly don't think he means the President. Where are the structures in a society that can be active enough to push America in a different direction? The church? Corporations? Where are these leaders who, in the context of a declining empire, can push change from within America? And I'm pretty sure it's not the government.
Something to think about.
As a Christian, I had values I wanted to spread to other people. In light of my being, I hoped that I would inspire people to be more outward seeking and caring. My zeal, I had not known then, made me an activist. At a certain point in my life, after observing my culture and searching for ways to improve it, I realized and admitted to myself that I was an activist. I wanted ideas to spread, values to manifest. That was my goal. But now, I am saying that I really am not out to get anyone. I am, though, living a life worthy to God, and I believe that through me, God will make things happen by His power. So then what about structures that can change the whole nation? Although I don't think that taking action by our own will is wise, I do believe that being not only aware, but self-improving (and not in the egotistical sense, but in the good will sense), is essential if individuals can make a difference - knowing that yes, there are people in power, but that on a certain level, we have to act smart as individuals as well in influencing people in power in order to really see that change happen.
I'd say it all starts with ourselves. Just take a good look at yourself and see where your values really lie.
I think that should be all, and I hope you can do further research on this topic or ideas I've discussed so far. It is definitely worthwhile as you are living in America.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Well, No one requested it so I'm going to give out some of my top rated anyways.
I plan to explore more genres in the future and discover good music out there. If you have a recommendation (an artist, song, or genre) please! feel free to name it in the comment, and gracias in advance.
Here it goes!: a couple of songs I have been enjoying lately.
{they are in no particular order}
SHINee - Love Pain, Replay, A-Yo
Super Junior - No Other, One Fine Spring Day (amazing vocals in this one, it's truly beautiful), Shake it Up!
*BoA - Milky Way
*Bi (Rain) - Pantech
Se7en - I'm Going Crazy
Jay Chou - Carnival
TaeYang - Only Look At Me
GD & Top - Baby Good Night
Park Bom - You & I
Akon - Beautiful
Starfield - Remain
Nelly - Just a Dream
Mary J. Blige - *Be Without You, I Am
LMNT - Hey Juliet
*I've had history with this song and it's stayed classy and timeless
Ok, so most of these are asian music, but that's okay. I admit I don't know all the lyrics, but for the most part, music is a universal language, so I justify my right to listen to these songs based on their telling tune.
(: Enjoy.
I plan to explore more genres in the future and discover good music out there. If you have a recommendation (an artist, song, or genre) please! feel free to name it in the comment, and gracias in advance.
Here it goes!: a couple of songs I have been enjoying lately.
{they are in no particular order}
SHINee - Love Pain, Replay, A-Yo
Super Junior - No Other, One Fine Spring Day (amazing vocals in this one, it's truly beautiful), Shake it Up!
*BoA - Milky Way
*Bi (Rain) - Pantech
Se7en - I'm Going Crazy
Jay Chou - Carnival
TaeYang - Only Look At Me
GD & Top - Baby Good Night
Park Bom - You & I
Akon - Beautiful
Starfield - Remain
Nelly - Just a Dream
Mary J. Blige - *Be Without You, I Am
LMNT - Hey Juliet
*I've had history with this song and it's stayed classy and timeless
Ok, so most of these are asian music, but that's okay. I admit I don't know all the lyrics, but for the most part, music is a universal language, so I justify my right to listen to these songs based on their telling tune.
(: Enjoy.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I have a rocking playlist right now I need only revise and add to. I can list it later on maybe, if you'd like. :)
Friday, February 4, 2011
This is Me, and I Will Love Me
This is what I just realized. I haven't allowed myself to love myself. In fact, deep down I've always feared myself because of what people said about my crazy and energized personality. I completely shut down after that. But to the people who really saw into me and saw that there was inkling of something worth appreciating, I thank you. I thank you for believing in me, holding onto me even when you were about to give up. You are truly my friend.
I feel like I just woke up from a dream. Although I haven't seen Inception, I know that the movie is about dreams within dreams within dreams and you never know in which reality you're actually living in. To me, I feel like I truly woke up from my last dream. In the past, I've written many times that I feel like I was just "awoken" whether it was in response to a sermon, an experience, or anything else, but truly this time, I can point my finger to a timeline in my past and say that it was THIS time that I fell asleep and and it NOW that I wake up. As soon as I gave up being myself, life was not life. As soon as I began believing the lies Satan told me, that I was ugly and that everything about me was despicable, I fell asleep and became lifeless. I hope that this does not happen to other people. I hope that people will have faith in themselves, knowing that EXACTLY who they are is EXACTLY how God intended them be. I have time to recover from my sleep, like I have to build more confidence up from here, but I'm glad I woke up. I feel like I've regained control of my body and that I can treat it nice now, and really really truly take care of myself. So thank you to those who stuck through it with me - whatever "it" is.
Happy Chinese New Years! and I hope that you continue to believe in yourself with more confidence. You're special and you're awesome! In all sincerity.
I feel like I just woke up from a dream. Although I haven't seen Inception, I know that the movie is about dreams within dreams within dreams and you never know in which reality you're actually living in. To me, I feel like I truly woke up from my last dream. In the past, I've written many times that I feel like I was just "awoken" whether it was in response to a sermon, an experience, or anything else, but truly this time, I can point my finger to a timeline in my past and say that it was THIS time that I fell asleep and and it NOW that I wake up. As soon as I gave up being myself, life was not life. As soon as I began believing the lies Satan told me, that I was ugly and that everything about me was despicable, I fell asleep and became lifeless. I hope that this does not happen to other people. I hope that people will have faith in themselves, knowing that EXACTLY who they are is EXACTLY how God intended them be. I have time to recover from my sleep, like I have to build more confidence up from here, but I'm glad I woke up. I feel like I've regained control of my body and that I can treat it nice now, and really really truly take care of myself. So thank you to those who stuck through it with me - whatever "it" is.
Happy Chinese New Years! and I hope that you continue to believe in yourself with more confidence. You're special and you're awesome! In all sincerity.
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